Nishi, Hemmi, and Mano are long time friends. The decades they’ve spent together as equals have built them a firm friendship and also a friendly rivalry that’s empowered their movement. Looking back the times, both Hemmi and Mano would say they were often times influenced by Nishi from Tenderloin.
Nishi radiates an especially unique existence along his well praised creations and enthusiastic followers. Both the original style of his creations and the radical attitude he possesses is a true rarity in all of Tokyo. In this third episode, let us get deeper into his creative process and his philosophy behind it.
「Tokyo in the 80’s was at the spark of the first subcultural movement. We used to gather at this club called Tsubaki House and see rockers, punks and 50’s heads all partying out in one venue. It was a spot where the heads with real style stood out and started earning street fame. Mano was a member of the most stylish 50’s crew and I began hearing about Hemmi from friends around this club. I guess that’s how we started noticing each other. 」
Japan was in the midst of a financial bubble. The Japanese economy and its popular cultures was in a state of mad frenzy from all the money in the market. Disco became a major destination for the youth and designer brands boomed the era as must have icons. At a time like this, underground heads who didn’t fit into this mainstream vibe took up western street cultures like rock, punk, 50’s, and hiphop and triggered various underground cultural movements. Nishi was in the midst of this new wave.
「The elders around us had crazy style. Their passion of teaching real underground culture to us younger ones was real, and it was never about money for them. They taught us so much about music, clothes, skate culture…pretty much everything we jumped onto and sought after. They fed us, took us drinking, and introduced us to many people that influenced us to this day.」
「At the time, American culture deeply intrigued me. I needed to see it with my own eyes, feel it with my own skin. And this zeal kept growing every day. To make America a real part of me, I had to plunge head first and fly there. I knew that was my only choice.」
Nishi sells his motor bike and buys a one way ticket to Los Angeles. With no savings or any plans of how to make a life out there, it was literally starting from zero, an alien nobody trying to survive. The only motivation was believing in himself and trusting that this challenge will profit him one day. The first step to the foundation of Tenderloin started here.
「I loved how real talent and abilities were praised without prejudice in the US. The thought of the possibility that one day my skills could be recognised got me going those hard days. Every day I was on my grind. It was a repetition of progress and failure, back and forth, but this steady time I put in definitely disciplined me and my values. 」
When Mano was banned from Tokyo, and Hemmi was tackling difficult times in London,
Nishi was also experiencing his own struggles in L.A. Oddly enough, all three of them living in different cities were confronting similar challenges in their lives at around the same time. But the hardships that imposed on them shaped their ability to get over many obstacles, and the basis of their values and standards slowly established and hardened with the adversities.
Nishi recollects one episode when a senior friend he respected gave him a Compton College cap. It was a normal cap sold on the campus, but this memory symbolises how his values had evolved .
「To me, that cap was worth more than an expensive suit or even a Ferrari. It really wasn’t about the value or price the world put on it. It’s about the value and attachment you put on it yourself. That is the essential factor that made subcultures and street cultures different from the rest of the dominant popular cultures.」
「While I was in the US, I got to link up with many different cultures and hang out with its iconic leaders too. These valuable experiences eventually led me to realise what truly was original from Japan. My conclusion was the one culture that could be presented to the world with pride was ‘Amekaji’(the Tokyo interpretation of the American & American Indian inspired style). It was street, real, and one and only. This realisation determined my life. The life I still pursue as Tenderloin. My belief is that determination is the most important thing in work and it only comes hand in hand with responsibility. By pursuing that responsibility, a man’s spirit hardens to take on anything that comes in his way.」
The life in America opened up Nishi’s eyes to the values of his own country and further matured his attitude toward work and life. This adamant spirit built in the U.S. is now passed on down to his every creation. The painstaking efforts to perfect the style and form he yearns for, come from decades of challenges to infuse his all into Tenderloin’s products.
「Tenderloin’s products are a mirror of what we’ve experienced in life. We try to project only the top standards we’ve directly encountered or passed on to us from trusted friends that truly impress us. That is the only real way to deliver something authentic to this world.」
Media appearances are very rare for Tenderloin because they put their main weight on communicating through the products themselves. Their stance is to get the audience to directly touch and see the clothes first hand to discover what is wedged into the creation. An old fashioned way but definitely the most effective way for the apparel and the wearer to properly connect.
「Ways of expression are infinite, so I’d rather destruct stereotypes than cling on to the status quo. Evolving values and making something more beneficial is the true essence of creativity and in my method, I find the joy in keeping old ways alive and upgrading it into something new. By repeating this cycle over and over again, finally something original is born and fashion is created. Our ambition isn’t to change the world of fashion, or anything vast like that, but we definitely want the industry to go in a good direction. That’s why we take pride in our originality and do our best to get our products to benefit their owners. Clothing is in everyone’s life every single day, so it’s a task worth tackling. 」