C.E. is created by SKAETHING, Japan's leading graphic artist who helped mold the 90's street scene of Ura-Harajuku, also an advocate for domestic brands. An original movie that was created for TRAVERSE TOKYO is now playing.
ドメスティックブランドの裏の仕掛人として、90年代の裏原宿ストリートシーンを形成した日本屈指のグラフィックアーティスト、SKATETHINGが手掛けるC.E。TRAVERSE TOKYOのために制作したオリジナルムービーを公開。

His official title is “music producer.” But in actuality, he continues to be the most advanced in not only Tokyo, but the world’s creative field, fashion industry, as well as the street scene. A general image of Hiroshi Fujiwara would be a person that transcends their occupation, and does not really know what they do. So for that reason, I would like to ask him about what he is addicted to and his creativity overall.

Born from the street art of downtown New York, in the late 90's, now getting worldwide attention as a photographer representing the modern art scene, Ryan McGinley. And now TRAVERSE TOKYO has exclusive coverage on today's leading figure.
90年代後半、NY・ダウンタウンのストリートアートから生まれ、いまや現代アートシーンを代表する写真作家のひとりとして世界中から熱い視線を浴びるしたライアン・マッギンレー。そんな時代の寵児にTRAVERSE TOKYOが独占取材。