“TIMEWORN CLOTHING”のディレクターとして活動する邊見馨。ワークウェアをルーツとする主要の”AT LAST“、ミリタリーやスポーツなどをルーツとする”BUTCHER PRODUCTS“、眼鏡やウォレットなどのアクセサリーが属する”TIMEWORN CLOTHING”と現在3つのラインを展開している。西浦と共にTENDERLOINを立ち上げた一人として彼を知る人も多いだろう。
Kei Hemmi is the Founder and Creative Director of “TIMEWORN CLOTHING”, his two other labels come under the same umbrella, “AT LAST & CO” which focuses on workwear including his well reputed denim, and “BUTCHER PRODUCTS” which encompasses Military and Sportswear inspired items. In 1997 together with Toru Nishiura they created “TENDERLOIN”.
Hemmi, Nishi and Mano have been friends since their teens and throughout their lives they have challenged the norms of Japanese society. All have had different experiences throughout their lives, some living in foreign countries, nonetheless, these friendships continue to the present day.
In the 80’s and ‘90s, as is well documented, Tokyo and in particular Shibuya and Harajuku were at the forefront of what we have come to know as street fashion, this small area was a melting pot of sub-cultures/movements simultaneously coexisting.
One of these was the ‘Amekaji’ - the Tokyo interpretation of the American & American Indian inspired style, in which all three friends were immersed. Whatever namesake it was given at the time, it was inspired by all things American, particularly workwear, denim, leather, there were also elements of military, Native American, sportswear and many more influences, in particular, Motorbikes, which were an integral part of the lifestyle. A wide field of vision that can only be put together with the panache and sensibility Japanese seem to have a natural knack for.
During that exciting time the experiences and antics of the three and their immediate friends, even though they did not know it at the time were to prove invaluable life lessons that would play a big influence later on in their lives.
Kei left school as soon as he was of an age that was legal to do so. “I was not good at school, I knew there was more out there, I was full of curiosity especially the stuff that I was interested in. Even though it was not so long ago, there was no internet or even mobile phones back then! So any information you wanted to get your hands on, you had to go and find it!” He spent his days soaking in all that was Shibuya and Harajuku, Fashion, motorcycles, music etc, having fun and getting into trouble.
自分にとって教科書だった映画や本に見る海外の生活ってどんなものなんだろう? この目で見て、感じてみたい。そう思い始めてから渡英するまでにさほど時間はかからなかった。目的やプランは必要なく、「とにかく行く」という決意と行動力が彼を突き動かした。仲間を置いていくことに多少の後ろめたさはあったものの、逆に中途半端じゃ帰ってこれない、というプレッシャーとなって邊見を後押しした。
First time meetings between Hemmi, Nishi and Mano have remained long lasting memories. During those sensitive youthful times where fights were inevitable, Hemmi re-collects some of those encounters.
“When I was a kid the only people who wore flight jackets (B-3) were used clothing shop staff, people who were in the know, but here was Mano wearing his B-3, Levis jeans, Engineer Boots and Teardrop sunglasses, his hair was greased back and he was carrying a Double Bass on his shoulder, cool and full of attitude, that was Mano”.
“The first time I met Nishi, I was hanging out smoking a cigarette and saw this guy walking by, he was wearing Goro’s accessories, Levis Big E jeans and Engineer Boots”. This style although common nowadays, was not back then. “My close friend Takeshi had told me that there was this cool guy Nishi living close to me, I was sure it was him so I called out and it was! I was excited all day to have met him, we clicked instantly and spent our days immersed in never ending conversations - movies, music, motorbikes, fashion, etc.”
In those days Hemmi was living hand to mouth. “In a way as exciting as that time was, I still needed money for the basic necessities, food rent etc., My only option was manual labour. My life was monotonous, getting up, going to work, getting told off by my boss, quitting, finding another job and so on. I realise now that as time passed by, my desire to get out of that rut was further fuelled by my frustration of being stuck in a loop.
Soon thereafter, he met his girlfriend who was returning to London, so he decided to take a chance, he had nothing to loose and at the same time was curious about London thinking life there, would definitely be better.