The photographer Taro Mizutani, who is well known in fashion and advertising, takes the wraps off his new photo series "Jonathan Livingston" "In the Garden"in TRAVERSE TOKYO. What is the thought process behind his photos?
ファッション誌やブランドの広告といったシーンの最前線で活躍するフォトグラファー水谷太郎が、ここTRAVERSE TOKYOでパーソナルワーク「Jonathan Livingston」「In the Garden」を発表。その作品に込められた思いとは?
FORTY PERCENTS AGAINST RIGHTS ® Media guerrilla・WTAPS ® DIRECTOR, Mr.TETSU NISHIYAMA a.k.a. TET speaks of his passion on the "FPARMG" project and its new products through our exclusive "FPARMG" visual story.
FORTY PERCENTS AGAINST RIGHTS ® Media guerrilla・WTAPS ® DIRECTOR、西山徹氏が「FPARMG」に込めた思いを語る。撮り下ろしによるビジュアルも同時公開。