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— 9月上旬、写真家ラリー・クラーク氏が来日。今年の冬に彼と雑誌『HUGE』で撮影した野口さんも再びラリーさんと濃密な時間をすごしたようですね?


Japanese fashion magazines are extremely dated compared to the rest of the world.

- In early September, photographer Larry Clark arrives in Japan. I understand that you were able to spend an ample amount of time with Larry again, who you worked with this winter for the magazine HUGE.

It was very stressful actually.
Originally WACKMARIA had requested that they would like to create a Larry Clark catalogue. But as this progressed, and the catalogue was to be then merchandised, they wanted to make it into his own photography book under Larry’s own name, in order to successfully sell it. At that point Larry had sent the photos, and we (Noguchi and WACKOMARIA) planned to create the layout. But he said, coming to Japan, “If this is being sold as my book, I want to do it.” So he extended his stay and began the editing process at this atrium, eventually with us assisting as well. And that was extremely difficult. For four days straight, we did it right here. We did not sleep for two days.

photo01 — ラリーさん、70歳ですよね? お元気ですね。


— 確かに、辛いですね。彼と冬にマーファで撮影したときも、そんなに長丁場だったんですか?


— ラリー・クラーク氏と仕事していて、最も強く感じたことは何でしょうか?


- Larry is 70 years old? He is so energetic.

Energetic does not even cover it. Drinking beer in the morning, and then while drinking champagne during the later half, if he starts a collage, he would spend 3 hours on 1 page. Once he gets like that, all we can do is just wait. But we are just so thankful to be able to work with him.

- That does in fact seem tedious. When you worked with him in Marfa during the winter, was it this long as well?

The actual photoshoot is not that hard. We gather in the morning, and we start shooting from noon and finish around 7 at night. But if he does not properly communicate with the model, he will not press the shutter. Unless he has spoken to his model for hours and truly understand him or her, he will not press the shutter. And if he doesn’t like the lighting, he will not press it. So for that reason he is not someone that mercilessly takes photos. He is a writer. Not a fashion photographer.

photo01 - Working with Larry Clark, what was it that you most strongly impacted you?

His sense of madness, but in a good way. Because his madness is so immense, I think he is able to create something enthralling. His attachment to what he truly wants to do is overwhelming. No compromises whatsoever. If he says that he is going to do something, he goes through with it, no matter how long it takes. That concentration, physically and emotionally, is amazing. He never gives up even if he does not have any material for a collage. Where normally one would think, “I guess this is okay,” he spends hours searching for the material he is envisioning. It comes naturally really.

— 自分が70歳になっても、彼くらい元気でやれる自信あります?


— 以前は(スタイリストの)仕事を40歳になったら辞めるとか、50歳で別の仕事をするとか言っていましたが、ラリーさんと仕事していて、その考えは変わりましたか?


- Do you have confidence once you turn 70 you can continue as energetic as he is?

There are so many energetic people around the age of 70 who are writers! Like Araki (Nobuyoshi) and Kurigami (Kazumi) are so youthful. Larry looks like an elderly man, but his energy inside is great.
I wonder what is going to happen once we all get older. I guess you can’t generalize because we have different careers. There is a difference between a career where you meticulously create pieces and a career where you are continuously producing something. Even now I cannot say which I would prefer.

- Previously you mentioned that you would quit your job (as a stylist) once you turn 40, or at 50 you would start a different career. So while working with Larry, has those thoughts changed at all?

Even once I turn Seventy, I do not want to go to somewhere to lease the clothes for styling jobs.
I probably will not have the same job, but I think I would be working somewhere that would still utilize what I am learning from my current job. On the other hand, I have not disregarded my interest in working at an eatery. I have been researching things like bento shops that are very popular now. Like how many they sell in a day, how many employees they have… (Laughs)

