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— 本業の話をしましょう。この秋冬でファッションの傾向に変化は感じますか?

基本的にはそんなに変わらない。エディ・スリマンが戻ってきても、コレクション全体的にはそれほど変わっていないと思う。ただ、街を見ていると、若い子たちは変わってきていますよね。原宿に限っているのかもしれないけど、自分たちが80年代に着ていたような《BOY LONDON》とか着ている子とか、《KENZO》のような派手なプリントとか。シルエットもトップが大きくて、ボトムが細い。ヘアスタイルも2ブロックとか。そう思うと、ここ数シーズン、おもしろくなってきていると感じます。

- Let talk about your work now. Have you noticed any particular changes in recent trends of Autumn/Winter fashion?

Primarily they do not change too much. Even with Hedi Slimane coming back, the collection in general has not changed greatly. But while observing in the city, the younger people have been changing. Maybe it is limited within Harajuku, but there are kids wearing things we wore in the 80’s like BOY LONDON, or loud prints like KENZO. The silhouette and tops are bigger, and the bottoms are slim. Hairstyles are often a “2 block” cut. So looking at that, things have started to be more fun through the past seasons.

— 野口さんも昨年くらいから、その変化を雑誌でも紹介していますよね? 海外の雑誌で日本の若い子たちのファッションを取り上げたり、『HUGE』でも「キャンディ」系を取り上げたり。


— 雑誌などもどんどんフォローしていかなければいけませんね。


— クリエイターに関してはどうでしょうか? カメラマン、スタイリスト、ヘアメイクらの若いクリエイターには変化は見られますか?

せっかくいい写真撮ろうと頑張っても、あんなに切り刻まれて、小さく使われたんじゃ、クリエイティブもなにもあったもんじゃない。しかも、日本はそういう状況がずっと続いている。海外はすこしずつ新しいファッション誌ができてきていますよね? インディペンデント系を含めて。日本はほかの分野では進んでいるのに、ファッションの紙媒体だけすごく遅れている。

— 野口さんの写真のコレクションは業界で有名ですが、最近、気に入った写真集とかありますか?

先日、買いそびれていたのを何冊買ったんだけど(と言いながら、書店の大きな紙袋から10冊ほど取り出す。そこにはマリオ・ソレンティからアンドレアス・グルスキー、石内都といった作家たちの最新刊まで多種多様な写真集が並ぶ)、なかなか時間がなくて見てないんです。この東松照明の『make』とか、好きですね。 ちょっと前だけど瀧本幹也くんの『LAND SCAPE』も興味深かったです。

- And you have been introducing these changes in magazines from the previous year. Such as writing about the fashion of young people in Japan, and different magazines like HUGE and CANDY.

I think that the creators also think the younger generation is changing. But the generation right after us is not. Like at Isetan or Parco, I am now seeing pop-up shops of a “stylist-designer” brand for the younger people. So I think if the older generation starts picking up on that, things can start getting more interesting.

- So it’s necessary to keep following along through for instance magazines.

Recently people are not keeping up with them anymore. If there are not more exciting fashion magazines being made, these guys won’t have anywhere to show off. There are so many magazines that are similar to each other. If magazines like COMMONS&SENSE and HUGE keep being published, I think then things could change, but today’s fashion magazines are quite bland. They say then the magazines would not sell, but I think that’s because they are all the same.

- As a creator, what do you think? Do you see a difference in the younger creators like the photographers, stylists, and hair and makeup artists?

I think they are all being stifled because they have no place to flourish. It is the same for women’s collection. No matter how much they work to get a great photo, it gets extremely cropped and used in a tiny space, leaving none of the original creativity. And this type of situation has continued in Japan. I think that internationally there are new fashion magazines being made, yes? Including independent labels. Japan is so advanced in other fields but is extremely dated when it comes to fashion related print media.

- Your photography books are well known in this industry, but are there any particular books that you admire?

The other day I finally bought multiple copies that I had been meaning to get, (While saying that, he takes out about 10 different books from a large paper bag. And there laid out were various collections, from the newest editions of artists such as Mario Sorrenti, Andreas Gursky and Miyako Ishiuchi) but I haven’t had the chance to really look at them. This Shomei Tomatsu’s “make” I like. And this was a while ago, but I found Mikiya Takimoto’s “LAND SCAPE” very fascinating.

— 新しい写真集を買うポイントはどこですか?


— そういうところはオールドスクールなんですね。世界中、いろいろな都市で古本屋さんを回っているそうですが、どこの都市が掘り出しものがありますか?


— 表記がドイツ語でも問題はない?


— さすが、マニア。写真集以外で、最近ハマっていることはなんでしょうか?


— 長い休みが取れたら、窯元とかに行って皿とか茶碗を作ってみたい?


- What are some pointers when it comes to buying a new photography book?

When buying a book of a photographer you do not know, for the most part the cover decides it. This can be unsuccessful. But you can buy them after looking through the content. I essentially never buy them from the Internet. I would be shocked if a book I bought had bent pages or a corner was completely crushed. So I always feel a book with my own hands, examine it with my eyes, and then purchase it. For me to purchase clothes online is impossible.

- So you’re old school when it comes to that. You probably have traveled worldwide, visiting second hand bookstores in different cities; which cities in particular have good finds?

Paris has impeccable quality as well as a large amount, but it is expensive. Regarding just amount, that would be in the United States. There are many wealthy people in the Hamptons, so it is said that there are nice items there. Cologne, Germany is supposedly good too. There have good publishers and printing houses.

- You don’t have any problems when the covers are in German?

No. I like to collect the same photography book in the different language.

- A true die-hard enthusiast. Other than photography books, what are you recently caught up in?

I was interested in it some time ago, and I have not done it for awhile, but I would really like to start pottery again. That time not thinking about anything, but to just be completely immersed in is wonderful. It’s so much fun to interact with elderly women, foreigners, children, and to spin the potter’s wheel.

- Once you are able to take a long vacation, would you want to visit a pottery studio and make a plate or rice bowl?

Oh, no, I’m not at that point yet. I have to first be confident with the basics. I have to start at catching the ball. And then successfully return the ball to my partner! (Laughs)

Intereview & Text_Toru Ukon Photograpyh_Rintaro Ishige
Tsuyoshi Noguchi 野口 強

The fashion stylist, being active in the front lines of fashion and commercial industry.
